Monday 9 July 2012

Money for Blog

Now a days money is the most prior word and everybody are used to and wanted to earn money via online and quick home based without any kind of investments so there are lots of ways to make money but the one basic condition is stay connected with mind with some passion required.The day your blog start getting hundred or even fifty hits even from search engines, you will start looking on internet to find ways that can help you make money from your blog. Internet is flooded with thousands of money making programs that are claiming to be helping you earn decent amount of earn money very quickly. No doubt, some of them will be legit ways to make money from a website or blog, but most of them are just scrap and you need to avoid such fraud money making programs or websites. With today’s guest post, I’m sharing 10 tips that will really help you earn lots of cash from your blog.

Make More money By Google Adsense Kind of Advertising Networks
The first thing that comes to our mind whenever we think about making money online from a website and blog is Google Adsense. Google Adsense is a pay per click advertising network owned by Google. You need to sign up as a publisher before start showing Google Adsense Ads on your blog. And in case you are unable to get approval from Google Adsense team, here is a list of Google Adsense Alternative that you can use to gain the money making opportunity you were losing due Google Adsense publisher rejection.

How to earn More Money from your blog?

Selling Banners Ads through Banner Advertising Networks to earn money
Next thing you can do is sign up for leading banner advertising networks on internet. The most popular network for banner ads buying and selling is (BSA) website will approve your website into their online marketplace if they meet their specific criteria’s. They used to charge 25% of your total earnings that you made through them to showcase your blog listing into their marketplace. We can sell banners of different size, text links and sponsored tweets through BSA network.Selling Direct Advertisements can increase your blog money

If you have a blog with some online reputation, you can try selling different kind of advertisements directly on your blog. For doing this, you need to create an advertising page on your blog and you need to mention all advertising options and the kind of traffic your blog receive on that page. Presence of advertising page on your blog will help potential buyer kind solutions to the kind of questions they have in general when they approach a website owner or blogger for advertising.

Doing Paid Reviews can be helpful to earn money on internet
No doubt you can offer paid reviews to advertisers as an advertising option to advertisers who approach you for advertising on your blog. And in case you are finding it hard to get enough paid reviews option on your blog, you can go for Sponsored Reviews and ReviewMe kind of paid review websites. Such websites will share 50:50 revenue with you for each task that you complete for their advertisers. A Useful idea to make money online by Selling Text Link Ads
You can use (TLA) kind of text link buying and selling marketplace to sell text links on your blog. Text links are sold on monthly basis with TLA network. And they keep the 50% of your earnings as their fee for each text link sold on your blog. With LTA kind of text link networks, there will be some advertisers who will be approaching you directly for placing a text link in your blog sidebar or some specific pages in exchange for some cash or gift. Doing Affiliate Marketing to gain extra money

If you have a blog created around specific niche, services or products, you can earn good amount of money from affiliate websites. With some blogs, we have noticed they are making much more with affiliate networks then they were able to make while showing Google Adsense Ads on their blogs. Some popular websites that provide affiliate promotion facility are ClickBank, Amazon, LinkShare and Commission Junction.
Make Money Own Selling Product or Services It can be a real money maker if you can create a product of your own and sell that through your blog. If your product is fulfilling the needs of even small portion of internet users, there is every chance you can make big money with your blog. And if you are good at providing certain kind of services, start promoting that through your blog. I have noticed lots of bloggers in blogging niche are making thousands of dollars every month for small scale services like Blogger to WordPress Migration, WordPress Theme Customization, and WordPress SEO Services etc.Using In Text Advertising Networks -A Perfect alternative to Google adsense money You can make some dollars every month from your blog selling in-text advertising on your blog. Two in-text advertising networks I’m aware about are InfoLinks and Kontera. If you have blog that generates majority of traffic from US, you can make good amount of money with these in-text advertising networks. Websites or blogs carrying majority of traffic from India don’t seem to be getting much success with InfoLinks kind of advertising websites.
I hope I covered most of popular ways bloggers are using to make lots of money from their enjoy

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