Thursday 9 August 2012

50 Ways To Get Sure traffic with Proof Latest 2012

But how do you get traffic? The first thing (1) is to do something every day, or at least on a regular basis, to try and get more traffic. To help with some ideas here is a list of 40 ways to get more traffic to your blog.

(2) MyBlogLog. Join MyBlogLog, list your blogs and if you wish put their widget on your blog - see example in right hand column of this blog.

(3) myLot. As well as making a little cash on this site it's also possible for members to list their blogs as well.

(4) Mister Linker This sort of thing is often frowned on by blogging purists but can bring in a few hits.

(5) Zimbio. I've had over 10,000 referrals from Zimbio. I use the 'automatic option' .

(6) Klik.Us. Doesn't work for everyone but my photo is on their first page and it brings me visitors.

(7) BuzzFeed. I've had over 25,000 referrals from this website.

(8) Mahalo. I've received about 1000 referrals.

(9) Wikipedia. I'm sure we've all used this website but it has also sent me over 5000 referrals. How? By being listed within the 'external links' on three or four celebrity pages - these are at the bottom of the respective pages. I'll leave you to fathom out how to do this!

(10) Technorati. Join and 'claim' your blogs.

(11) Images. Use images and photos in your posts. These can produce referrals from Google Images and also from other search engines. On one of my celebrity blogs this has brought me in over 350,000 referrals in one year.

(12) Wowzio. If you do use images in posts try a Wowzio widget - see example in right hand side column of this blog. I use these and get referrals.

(13) Videos. Publish videos on your blog. They don't have to be yours - use YouTube or whatever. These can bring referrals via Google Videos. On one of my celeb blogs this had brought me in 5000+ referrals.

(14) Keywords. Essential for getting referrals from search engines. Use them in titles and the body of posts but without overdoing it, as that would be considered spam.

(15) Long Tail Keywords.

(16) Emails. Use your blog address as a signature for every outgoing email.

(17) Forums - 1. Use your blog address in signatures on forums.

(18) Forums - 2. Participate on forums relative to your blog's niche.

(19) Subscriptions. Make it easy for readers to subscribe to your blog by using Feedburner or something similar. And make sure this is easily seen on your blog.

(20) Traffic Exchanges. Websites such as Blog Explosion, Blog Soldiers and Blog Mad will bring you traffic. As to the quality of the traffic, that's debatable - but they can make the stats look good! Important Warning: Do not use traffic exchanges if you have AdSense on your blog, they are not compatible.

(21) Exchange Links with blogs of a similar niche to your own.

(22) Google Groups. Create your own Google Group, relative to the theme of your blog, and/or participate in existing Groups.

(23) Profiles. List your blog on every profile of anything you join. If there is ever an opportunity - anywhere - then enter your URL. Might not bring in much traffic but you never know who might just click on your blog.

(24) Blog Directories. Get listed within as many Blog Directories as possible. This doesn't bring in a volume of traffic, but the links are useful in other ways - such as PR.

(25) Comment on other blogs. You mostly get at least the blogger returning your visit and sometimes many more as well.

(26) Freebies. Offer some sort of freebie on your blog, maybe an ezine, ebook or some sort of blogging tool.

(27) Competitions. Run a competition on your blog and do a form of Press Release to other relevant blogs telling them all about it.

(28) Link Love. Give some link love. This is odd but by listing other blogs within a post this creates good karma.

(29) Make a list of other bloggers interesting posts, as a post, on your blog.

(30) Squidoo. Create some Squidoo lenses and use them for links to your blog(s).

(31) Blog Carnivals - 1. Join a Blog Carnival and have your posts, with links, listed on other blogs.

(32) Blog Carnivals - 2. Host a Blog Carnival on your blog.

(33) Articles. Write articles and submit them to the various article directories. You are normally allowed to include your link in a footnote following the article.

(34) Link Bait. Write a 'special post', something that has taken a while to produce and is of value to a lot of people. With luck this will be linked to by other bloggers.

(35) Ping. Regularly ping your blogs. This tells search engines and other services that your blog has been updated. ping-o-matic will ping your blog to lots of services.

(36) Free Classified Ads. There are dozens of places where you can place free ads. A few examples: craigslists, Kijiji, ClassifiedAds, US FreeAds, WebLeeg, EPage etc. etc.

And these only start to scratch the surface. Once you start looking and thinking about attracting more traffic you'll find dozens of more ways. I haven't, for example, even mentioned social media networks like (37) Facebook or (38) Twitter - there's a list of the main social networking sites on (39) Wikipedia.

and (40) ask other blogs to link to your posts!

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